Friday, September 15, 2006

"This senseless pursuit of the homeless is undoubtedly cooler and far easier than getting off their Asses and out of their air-conditioned vehicle in seeking out gang activity or to solve property crimes. Earn the wages by the sweat of their brow? You must be kidding."What happens when the homeless are criminals?I'm not saying all homeless are criminals. But look amongstyour companions in your tent cities and wherever else the homelassgather. Can you honestly say that none of these homeless are involved in crime? How many of them were criminals before they were homeless?I am not so foolish to be blaming ALL crimes committed as being a result of homeless men or women. And if you knewanything about what the police do on a daily and nightly basis,you'd certainly know they pursue criminals of all social strata.Yes folks, that's right. If you are committing a crime, then thepolice will do their jobs and pursue you.Every night in Abbotsford, there are dozens of break and enters(to vehicles, homes, businesses). I can guarantee you that the policedon't sit back and pick out which B & E they respond to in the hopes itmight lead them to a homeless person.When there is a report of a person drunk in public. They respond.If the person is homeless or not, they will take appropriate policeaction in tracking, arresting and charging that person. Whether or not the offender has a home or not.If someone steals a car or truck. The police will endeavour toarrest and take into custody the criminal. I'm not sure they are intentionally targetting crime perpetrated by homeless people. That's right, look around and see if some of the folks that you defendat every turn aren't some of the people who are stealing metal or valuables from private property or citizens, assaulting people, breaking into cars, homes and businesses.Perhaps a few of them medicate themselves with drugs of the crystal meth,crack cocaine or heroin varieties? Perhaps a few of your friends rob gas stations?Or steal alcohol from liquor stores?Yeah yeah, I know...they aren't the only junkies..there are junkies that live in houses too.I'd venture a guess that if the criminals that are homeless dedicated even25% of their criminal energies towards a positive, lawful direction, they justmight find themselves getting ahead in life.Alas...that might require a moral foundation and it's likely a lot easierto rob, steal, get high and commit crimes